July 15, 2008

New Episodes Update

Okay, guys, Sunday was a huge success. I managed to refilm all the footage that was accidentally deleted, and I bet it was better than the first time, and with that said, all I need now is the vocals, which I'm giving my voice actors about two weeks to practice, so once I get those, I'll just slip them into place and slap it on youtube. So simply expect Sentinel M2 to be out in about two weeks. I would like to thank all of those that participated in this and I look forward to working with you again.

Also in that two weeks I will put together the second episode of Master Studios Update, which is a little bit simpler to put together so it should be done about the same time the Sentinel is, so if you joined Master Studios after the first MSU then email me a Halo 3 Screenshot of yourself (nothing to complicated), and soon after I'll get to work on the third episode of IIWG (If I was a Gangsta; in case you aren't use to the abbreviation yet) which should be out around the first of August.