April 2, 2009

New Machinimas coming soon and other plans

Hello Master Studios Fans,

We have a couple of new machinima projects on the horizon. Lewis Hudson has sent me a script he wrote. It is a halo machinima that tells the story of a new arrival on Xbox live, the entire season has already been planned out, all we have do to is film it and voice it. However, this will probably be put on hold (outside of a teaser/trailer) until the first season of The Sentinel is finished, which has three megasodes left.

Speaking of the Sentinel, each megasode will probably be shorten since the end credits won't last as long. In fact after remastering I am hoping to reduce them to regular one part episodes instead of two part megasodes, even though I do like that word.

Anyway, back to talking about upcoming machinima. I'm hoping to get money to buy Fallout 3 for my xbox 360, and make a new action series. However, the Fallout 3 machinima won't begin production until this summer.

All of this will be reiterated in an upcoming MSU. Also, we will be alternating through machinimas that way things won't get overloaded, and plus following LH's cue, writing seasons in their entirety instead of one episode at a time, that way we can make the individual ones quicker, and thereby releasing them quicker. So this is how we are going to do it:

1.) Once the first season of The Sentinel is finished, the Sentinel series will be put on hiatus (meaning no new writing for it for a while).
2.) With the Sentinel out of the way, I will concentrate on LH's series and IIWG
3.) Seeing how IIWG (unless making LH's series is easier) season 1 will finish first, I will then fill that slot with Trapped aLIVE
4.) When LH's first season is done, then I'll switch that slot with AUW
5.) I expect AUW season 1 and TaL season 1 to finish at the same time, so

6.)then start The Sentinel Season 2, and IIWG season 2, and no other machinima will be worked on until these two are finished.
7.) LH's season two (if he writes one), AUW season 2
8.) TaL season two, and the Fallout 3 machinima season 1

Of course there will be MSU's thrown in in between each. However I already have IIWG episode 4, AUW episode 2, and TaL Episode 3 planned out, so hopefully, I'll be able to release that at the same time as the Sentinel Megasode 4. Again this stuff will be touched on in the upcoming MSU. Also, along with this MSU we will be doing (depending on if the rest of the MSU is too long) a machinima review on a few new machinimas, and some classics to be released either as one video or as a separate video from the MSU.

March 29, 2009

If I was a Gangsta: Episode 1 REMASTERED

Alright Master Studios Fans,

The first remastered work, If I Was a Gangsta episode 1, has been uploaded to youtube. As you may notice. NO MORE DISPLAYS!!! YAY!!! plus a previously deleted scene has been added in. So check it out!

If I was a Gangsta: Episode 1--Remastered!