October 5, 2010

Master Studios Update 7 coming soon!

Hey all fans of Master Studios,

I know it has been awhile, and well….there has been a lot going on, however I have a new Xbox and I plan on returning to my machinima-making starting off with the release of Master Studios Update 7, which will becoming out in a week, so keep your eyes peeled, for everything will come to light!

July 21, 2010

Working Things Out

Hey all you Master Studios Fans,

I know it has been awhile since I've updated the blog, and well....done anything, but that is because just when I think my machinima woes are over, my xbox decides to break on me. No, it isn't RROD. Actually I wish it was RROD because then I could send in to Microsoft and have them fix it under the extended warranty, so until either my xbox gets the RROD or I get a new xbox my machinima-side of things will once again grind to a halt, which sucks for all of us from the people that are involved making them to you, the ones that watch them, and hopefully enjoy them. However that doesn't mean I am completely silent, I am still making parodies and I just finished Vegeta & Piccolo Episode 5: "Goku's Secret" Part 1. It depicts humorously what is truly the source of Goku's unbelievable power. Also it is a good chance to hear me do a horrible Goku voice.

So check that out below:

Also, if you may recall, I am part of a gaming podcast group called Wanted For Gaming, and we just released our 20th show, which covers our thoughts about E3 so tune in here:

However don't worry too much I will be releasing MSU 7 soon updating on what has happened and what I plan (with a little bit of your help I hope) to do about it. In the meantime I will try to figure out how to do some PC-based machinima. Keep your fingers crossed!

May 14, 2010

New Releases! YAY!!! And a change in course.

Hello Master Studios Fans,

Some good news, I've made two new videos. One of them is a Hitler Parody, and the other another episode of Vegeta and Piccolo. I know I know...you are probably yelling at the screen right now, "Hey you fuck! What about the machinima?!!" Well, I am revamping it a bit. As in reordering things so I can actually get some new machinima out, and hopefully if it is good enough then I can get people for the main projects I want to do, so my main focus right now is making "Master Studios Shorts" and hopefully if I get picked up, or at least attract some attention from the machinima community, I can a dedicated team up and running for the other stuff.

Here are the links to the new videos:

Also for you Hudson Creations fans, check out Elite-O-Sexual, Hudson has brought back a glimpse of what Machinima.com use to be, and perhaps bring respect back to this art from as well. Enjoy this hilarious video from our friend Lewis Hudson!

April 30, 2010

Fighting for Freedom and other stuff....

Greetings Master Studios Fans!

You may remember not too long ago I began making Hitler Parodies, and well if you've been to youtube lately you may have heard how hitler parodies are being blocked everywhere, and true this was only to keep my editing skills sharp and what not while I waited on my machinima people to do their stuff. However, I have joined the fight against this outrageous injustice, and the only hitler vid that hasn't been blocked was the Hitler got Noob-tubed, however I've uploaded these videos to parodybox, a safe haven for parody makers like myself, so check them all out (if you haven't already or if you want to revisit them):

Speaking of machinima stuff, okay I have no idea why it is taking so long for my voice actors and composers to get there jobs done, I've sent emails asking "WTF?!" (well in a much cleaner venacular) However, since I've ran out of ideas for hitler parodies and I know most of you are here for the machinima, while I wait on these people for my big projects like Sentinel and New Blood, I will start popping out Master Studios Shorts, which if you recall is basically in the same vein as Bra1nlessLobotomy's FUBAR was back in the day, however with different ideas and so forth. So keep your eyes out for those in the very near future.

April 10, 2010

News...thats it

Havent been on here for a while so...let me squeeze some stuff

New Blood has finished casting, but we are not tell you stuff

Still not sure on J's capture status

I opened a portfolio - LewisHudson.com

Yeah...its been a slow month


April 2, 2010

Getting the Ball Rolling

Okay, some more good news Master Studios Fans:

As you might have gleemed from the MS twitter page, we have a composer to produce original music for my machinima. Plus he and his friends voice act, and we are currently in discussion about everything, so if all goes well we might have found a strong group of voice actors that could be the future of this machinima crew.

March 11, 2010

Website in the works and new Voice Actor

Some good news Master Studios Fans,

I am in the process of designing Master Studios' very own website, just a small stepping stone given that:

A.) I have no money
B.) I don't know $#!+ about coding (or at least enough to make a good website)

So I am using a free-service site called Wix where I can easily just drag and drop the features I need. I will post the link to it once it is complete. Spring Break begins this weekend so I probably will have ample time to do that and work on machinima as well.

Also I got a new voice actor, hopefully he is far more reliable than some of the others. If so, I might have to chain him up so he won't go any where. So expect to hear him soon!