April 21, 2009

Master Studios Update 5 and other news

Hey Master Studios Fans!

The first piece of NEW machinima I've made in....three months since I got my xbox back has been released, and it is Master Studios Update 5! Basically, it brings you up to date on what I and other Master Studios members have been working on, so check it out here:

Master Studios Update 5

Also, a couple of things that is not in the update.

One-- Brainless Lobotomy and I are doing a collaborative project where we review machinimas, and our premier episodes (the first two or three) we'll be reviewing machinimas from M.com's director corp. Machinimas such as "Hard Justice", "Phil" and a few others.

Two-- We are a hair away from getting a house composer. Basically what that means is someone who will compose music for Master Studios and only Master Studios.

Three-- The Recruitment ad is nearly complete, I just need to add my lovely voice to it.

So be on the look out for that.

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