December 24, 2008

Vegeta Gets Piccorolled

Hey Master Studios Fans!

I've got somewhat of a Christmas gift for you guys. It's a test episode of a new series, that I've been thinking about doing called "Vegeta & Piccolo" (The name will probably be changed). It is a comedy/parody of Dragonball Z, so here it is:

Vegeta Gets Piccorolled

Tell me what you think of it!

December 2, 2008

New Blog in the Master Studios Network

Hey Master Studios Fans:

There is something cool, that I would like to share with you guys. Recently, I have started writing fanfiction, and I thought to myself, "What's the point of writing it if no one gets to read it?" At first, I tried to find more formal fanfiction sights to try to expand my audience, but I couldn't find one that had any clear process for new writers to submit their work so it just clicked in my head that the best way to start is by sharing my work with the audience I already have and hopefully it will grow just as popular as my machinima, so I just created another blog with this account: Jaggeta's Fanfiction

Right Now, there is no stories posted yet, but the first "episode" will be posted very shortly.

November 29, 2008

If I was a Gangsta 3: "Takeover"; Master Studios Update 4 Guest Appearance

Alright Master Studios Fans:

I kind of jumped out of order here and released If I Was a Gangsta Episode 3 instead of the Sentinel Megasode 4 as I said in MSU 3. Well the reason is simple, and that is because I couldn't get enough people to do the scenes, so I skipped ahead to this because I can do it myself, and hopefully it will give you guys something to drool over until I can get the Sentinel Megasode 4 done. Here's the link, and please leave a comment or something so I know what you guys think:

IIWG 3: "Takeover"

Also, I have been able to secure an interview for Master Studios Update 4. I'm a big fan of this person (nope, not going to reveal his identity, you have to watch MSU 4 when it comes out) and I was amazed that he had agreed to do this. Master Studios Update 4 is planned to release sometime in the next month. Hopefully, I'll have The Sentinel Megasode 4 out before then.

Also, if you want help getting your machinima out there, what better way then to have someone else promote your stuff? Well, you can send me a trailer/teaser or the full video to my email ( or a link to a full video (if it is too large to email) and I'll watch it and review it in future Master Studios Updates.

November 4, 2008

Forums with New Look

Hi, Master Studios Fans:

The Master Studios Forums has gotten a new look. It is not as grotesque as before AND it's easier on the eyes. That's...a little redundant. Anyway, check it out, because with DP's forum closing soon, most if not all of our activity will be on that forum, so please register if you haven't already and start enjoying all that is Master Studios:

New Forum Skin!

October 31, 2008

Master Studios Update 3 and some other stuff

Alright Master Studios Fans:

Remember the update I said I was going to do a few weeks ago? Well, I finally finished it. The reason it took so long is because it was an editing hell, but I finally pulled it off, so here it is:

Master Studios Update 3: Gangsta Editon

Also the following things happened after I released MSU 3 otherwise I would have talked about them in the episode, but nonetheless, there is good news, bad news, and even worse news:

The Good News:

Have any of you visited MachinimaTV? Well, Heretant, the mastermind behind MachinimaTV has given me the opportunity of working with him. Basically my job is to watch new machinimas that come out and give Heretant the links to the good ones. This is very good for us as it will get our production team some good advertisements, especially if I do my job well. Not only is it good for our production team, but it is also good for machinima makers that make good works, but has trouble getting into the limelight.

The Bad News:

Digitalph33r has announced in his blog ( ) that he will be closing the Digitalph33r forums in a week or so. This is bad for everyone who ever goes to his forums, especially for our production crew, as well as others, because most of our audience is from that community, and we'll still use our own forums, but we might see a decline in our popularity simply because we will lose that outlet that we advertise our work in. There are talks that the "refugees" of DP's forums will make a more general gaming forum, but I do not know for sure yet.

The Worst News:

This is perhaps most saddening of all. Erik, most commonly known as Bra1nlessLobot0my, is sick, and he said that he might be sick for a while, so I want everyone to pray for him so he can get well. In the meantime, Erik has given me temporary directorship of FUBAR which will be some large shoes to fill, and I am worried that I won't do the show justice. I'll try my best, but the most important think is that he gets some rest and get better so he can bring joy to our homes with his unparalleled ability to make people laugh.

That will be all for now, enjoy the new release, and please keep Erik in your prayers.

October 12, 2008

New Releases and upcoming projects

Alright Master Studios Fans,

As per the results of the poll I placed on Digitalph33r's forum, the majority of the voters wanted Master Studios to do An Unknown World first, and I know it took me a while, but I finally got it done.

An Unknown World: Episode 1

I know on the last blog post I said I was doing MSU 3 but that got delayed a bit, so I decided to go ahead and do AUW. MSU 3 will be out soon, and up next is Sentinel Megasode 4. Hopefully we won't have any network problems or rehearsal problems as we did a couple of weeks ago, but at earliest Sentinel Megasode 4 will be out in about two weeks, then I'll be working on IIWG Episode 3, which I am excited about because I will be using Saint's Row 2 on that and subsequent episodes, then after all that is said and done, which will be probably some time early November, I will be hitting up some new Trapped aLive, which will hopefully be out before Thanksgiving. And after that I'll probably hook you guys up with MSU 4 just before Christmas, so I have everything planned out and you'll see Master Studios rise to the top once again.

September 21, 2008

Brief News

Alright, Master Studios Fans:

I know that Master Studios hasn't put out any new stuff in a couple weeks, but rest assured I am working on MSU 3, but frankly I am not quite sure on what to work on next. So I was hoping that you can help me out. To the right side of this page I place a poll, asking which series do you want me to work on. The poll is left open for two weeks, but that doesn't mean it will be another two weeks for me to finish. I need as many of you to answer the poll as possible, so I can give you what you want. I kind of have an idea for each of those, and I also have a leaning towards what you might pick, but while I'm waiting on those results (I'll probably check it in a week or so) I will write scripts for the next episode of each series so I can be ready regardless of what you guys pick.

September 5, 2008

Trapped aLIVE Episodes 1 & 2

Alright, Master Studios Fans:

The moment you've been waiting for. The new comedy series by Jaggeta, Trapped aLIVE, has been released:

Episode 1: Pilot

Episode 2: The Noobs

Also, check out my bro's new AMV!

Guardian Punch

September 1, 2008

Project: Genocide Chapter 1 Released

Great News Master Studios Fans:

A long anticipated series by Bra1nlessLobot0my is finally here. His action-horror machinima is called Project: Genocide. Check it out!

Project: Genocide (Chapter 1)

August 31, 2008


Alright Master STudios Fans, a new channel for machinima has been launched. Unlike Youtube, or even it is in constant stream, just like (you guessed it!) TV, and Master Studios has managed to get a spot with the Sentinel Series, and I also took the liberty of placing FUBAR in one of the spots so if you can go check it out.


August 30, 2008

Bra1nless Lobot0my's Site

Our partner production team: Bra1nlessLobot0my Productions has started up a website. It's still in developmental stages, but it is worth checking into:

Bra1nlessLobot0my Productions

Also, a new comedy series by Jaggeta, called Trapped a-LIVE is in the final stages of production, and once the vocals are turned in, it will be ready for release, so don't go too far.

August 12, 2008

Master Studios Youtube Channel

Hey guys,

Great news, the Master Studios Youtube Channel is officially operational. I have moved all of The Sentinel, If I was a Gangsta, Master Studios Update, etc. over to that channel.

New Releases:
The Sentinel Megasode 3:

Part 1: "Tribulation"

Part 2: "Vengeance"

CGN Promo:


Also, we have a new logo thanks to Hawk506. I will upload it on to the blog and the forums very soon.

August 6, 2008

Sentinel M2 Part 2 Released

Hey guys, Sentinel M2 Part 2 "Condemnation" is released.

Sentinel M2: Part 2 "Condemnation"

Tell me what you think, the more you tell me, the better machinimas I will be able to make as a result.

August 2, 2008


Hey guys,

I have just uploaded part 1 to the Sentinel Megasode 2: "Revelation" I will post the second part in a few days. Once Sentinel M2 is completely uploaded, I will switch gears to the next MSU (Master Studios Update in case you haven't gotten use to the abbreviation yet), which I can easily do by myself, and then after that throw out Episode 3 of IIWG (If I Was a Gangsta). This is the last month of my summer so it will be a while before I can pump out multiple projects, so when school starts back up (about Aug 26-28ish) I will do only MSU and one of the other two per month. I've gotten most of M3 planned out so I'll try to work on that next month. Also, once M2 is completely uploaded to youtube, I will begin using the new youtube channel MasterStudios1, and encourage the other directors in Master Studios to do it too. That way we will have all of our stuff under one roof much like, but you can still upload it to your channel as well.

Sentinel M2: Part 1 "Revelation"

July 15, 2008

New Episodes Update

Okay, guys, Sunday was a huge success. I managed to refilm all the footage that was accidentally deleted, and I bet it was better than the first time, and with that said, all I need now is the vocals, which I'm giving my voice actors about two weeks to practice, so once I get those, I'll just slip them into place and slap it on youtube. So simply expect Sentinel M2 to be out in about two weeks. I would like to thank all of those that participated in this and I look forward to working with you again.

Also in that two weeks I will put together the second episode of Master Studios Update, which is a little bit simpler to put together so it should be done about the same time the Sentinel is, so if you joined Master Studios after the first MSU then email me a Halo 3 Screenshot of yourself (nothing to complicated), and soon after I'll get to work on the third episode of IIWG (If I was a Gangsta; in case you aren't use to the abbreviation yet) which should be out around the first of August.

July 3, 2008

An Unknown World

Hello, Master Studios Fans!

I am very excited today, because today I release a brand new series, and the best part of all: It's not in HALO!!!! Now, don't get me wrong, Halo is one of the best games to make machinima in, but it is a little overdone. Anyways, this new series, is called "An Unknown World", The main character, is based off of a piece of fiction that I wrote a few years ago out of boredom. The main character is basically ripped out of his home realm and is stuck in the realm of Tamriel! Did you just get chills go down your spine? That's right...I'm talking Oblivion baby! Oblivion, is particularly difficult to film, but I believe I have figure out how to do it in a reasonably effective way. Now, I just released the Prologue, and just in case the Director Notes section runs by you too fast. Let me just tell you, that the particular plotline and events is not actually going to be in the series (meaning Episode 1 and thereafter). It was mainly an introductory thing, plus I didn't want to give my main plot away if this experiment didn't work. Now, see for yourself!


June 25, 2008

Sentinel M2 rewritten

While I was out of town last weekend, I had the opportunity to rewrite the script and plot-flow of The Sentinel M2, and it will ultimately effect the course of the entire series, which is great in that it made me realize (which I don't know why I didn't think of it sooner) that it makes things a whole lot easier to write the script and such before filming, because previously when someone would ask me "What should I do next?" I would sit for like 5 minutes trying to remember what I wanted to do, which ate up a lot of time we could have used for filming. Now, I also got all the lines done so I need people to start auditioning for them. You can find the audition topic in these two places.

Master Studios Productions Forum

Digitalph33r's Forum

email me or send a PM if you have questions

June 21, 2008

Master Studios Update is Released

Alright, Master Studios Update Episode 1 (Pilot) has just been released. MSU is simply an "Inside Halo"-type machinima that will give up-to-date news about all things Master Studios. It is also my first attempt at a more comical series, so don't be afraid to laugh! Now with out further ado here's the link:


June 17, 2008

Master Studios Update

Alright, I've been watching a lot of "Inside Halo" recently and I have got the idea to do a similar thing but with the Master Studios. The pilot episode will feature myself (Jaggeta) and my brother as the hosts, and we will introduce the other members of the production team via screenshots. So if you are a member of the Master Studios production crew, send a screenshot of yourselve to me via email. The screenshot needs to be simple. You can have an action shot, but not something that is over-worked.

June 10, 2008

Master StudiosProduction Forum, Now Active

The Master Studios Production Forum has now been activated, here is the link:

June 8, 2008

The Granding Opening of the Master Studios Page

The Master Studios Production firm, that has been nestling under Digitalph33r's forum for months, has finally spread its wings and created it's own page and subsequent forums. So I bid you all welcome. Once a forum is built, signups, rehearsals and project info will go up immediately.