December 25, 2009

Merry Xmas

And we has something weird for you

This time next year, check out NORAD SANTA. Its pretty weird


December 8, 2009

Vegeta and Piccolo Episode 2: Recoome

Hello Master Studios Fans,

I have just released the second episode of Vegeta and Piccolo. In this one Vegeta and Recoome face off. Recoome instead offers peace and ice cream, but there is something missing that pisses Vegeta off.

Here's the link:

Vegeta and Piccolo Episode 2: Recoome

Feel free to comment and rate. I hope you enjoy

December 2, 2009

Some Good News at last!

Hello Master Studios Fans,

Remember a couple of months ago when we hit 50 subscribers, and I said that I was making a video to celebrate it? Well, now all the vocals are in, and all I need now is to act it out, which will require a maximum of 6 people, so if you wish to help either comment here, or send me an email at

November 26, 2009

Happy Turkey Day


As a Brit, we don't celebrate Thanksgiving, but I thought I would say so since I am a nice guy. We are still recruiting for New Blood, as we are going through a redevelopment program to benefit us and you


November 19, 2009


And we are recruiting voice actors for New Blood and other works we are doing. You ca find the information here

- Hudson

November 12, 2009

War Stories, now with Voice!

As I said, eventually I'd make War Stories that includes voicing. It's the same one as before except some narrative to go along with it, so tell me what you think:

War Stories with Voices!

November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween +1 and Talks

I understand that I should have done this yesterday, but I was too busy egging the Royal Mail post boxes, as my order HASNT ARRIVED

Happy Halloween +1

Now its my turn

MERRY CHRISTMAS (I wanted to beat the shops (UK)/Stores (US) to it this year.

Right, now for some news.

Hudson Creations (my group) is currently in talks with Master Studios (This heaven) in a deal. HC would like MS to help us in acting, body and/or voice. MS will be credited with their help, and in return, we will give them a helping hand with editing.

Thanks for reading

October 21, 2009

A New Machinima falls from the sky!

Hey there Master Studios Fans,

Some wonderful news, my first new machinima video in weeks. Granted, this machinima was never planned for, it sort of fell from the sky.

It's called War Stories:

It's an Empire: Total War machinima that follows my nation (Prussia) through the campaign (though it will primarily depict the battles). The first one is kind of crude, but it was made in a hurry. Future chapters will be made smoother and I will probably add in some vocals to spruce it up a tad. The great think about this machinima is that it is relatively easy to make. The only outside help I'd need would be voice acting, so even if I can't find time to do the main schedule of machinima, I can make these fairly quickly to at least fill the void until I can finish the major projects. Please tell me what you think about it, here is the link:

War Stories, Prussian Chronicles: Chapter 1 - Battle of Warsaw

October 14, 2009

Wish us Luck

There is hope for us yet, Master Studios Fans;

As I was prowling the forums, I noticed an announcement (view full topic here
Machinima Announcement )

The jist of the announcement is that they created a group called MachniMad. What this group does is allow machinima directors to submit their work and they review it, and if they like it well enough that director will become a part of the Machinima Directors program, so obviously I jumped at the opportunity, and I submitted three videos:

If I Was a Gangsta Episode 1 (which has a total of 4,000 views on
Trapped aLIVE Episode 1
The Sentinel Episode 1

And if they like them, Master Studios will then be taken under the wing as a Machinima Director group, so everyone wish us luck as this is a big opportunity for everyone.

October 13, 2009

Bad News

Yes, its more bad news
We have just lost our composer. That means we will need to hunt another one down, or we will have to go to the free soundtrack or various other websites for help.

Love MS

October 2, 2009

Yay or Nay :- Brainless Lobotomy Funeral

Since our good friend, Brainless Lobotomy left, we want to make a video based on him leaving machinima. Hows this? A funeral. Yay or Nay


October 1, 2009

Important - New Author

Hey everybody
We here at Master Studio's realised that we couldn't keep up to date with you with some of our latest info. I think it is from J's (our boss) lack of interwebzz. Just in case it takes wee too long to update, I will be updating you with all the info I can get. This is for the benefit of you (so you don't have to wait for years for a post) and the benefit of me (so I can improve on my writing)

If anyone is wondering, this is Lewis Hudson. Writer of New Blood and Director of Hudson Creations

- Hudson

September 30, 2009

Good and Bad News

Hey Master Studios Fans,

I have some good and bad news concerning Master Studios productivity

First the bad news, due to time constraints (school) I will only be able to make one to new videos every other week, most of them are part of the remastering project, so I can re-establish my actor base so I can actually do new stuff.

Second, the good news, I have four nearly complete items that will be released in the very near future:

1.) The "We Hit 50!" video (after a small rewrite)
2.) Master Studios Shorts 1
3.) MSU 6
4.) Master Studios Promo 2

Now, The Promo of course is to re-vigorate the fan base, re-invent our image a bit, and renovate our style. Most of the pieces within the Promo will be scenes from upcoming works like New Blood, IIWG and Out of Apocalypse. However a small portion of it will be gimmicks to entice more viewers, but only I will know which will be which, *evil laugh*

Also, I will make a memorium video honoring Bra1nless Lobot0my and his works, now that he has retired from Machinimaking. So keep your eyes glued to YT and you'll all of these appear right before your eyes!

August 26, 2009

Yes, I'm still alive, with some important news.

Hello Master Studios Fans,

Just let you know I am still alive. "Yeah? Who cares, what about the machinima!!" you must be thinking. Well, I should have announced this beforehand, but I have moved into a dorm on campus, and right now, the internet for my private computer (I'm making this blog post on one of the college's computers) is non-existent right now, so production for anything new is on ice yet again. However, the IT people at my college is expected to come by my room sometime tomorrow to install it, so I should be able to get caught up this weekend on somethings.

Now, speaking of new, I am coming up with two new series:

1.) Master Studios Shorts

As the name suggests, each episode will consist of a bunch of funny, non-plot driven comedy skits and scenes. Now, what I plan to do to make this as unique as possible, is that anyone in the audience can submit their own skits and if they are good (and not too vulgar) then I'll put them in the following episode, then towards the end of the first season, I'll have a Shorts Award show, with different categories with specific prizes for the winners.

2.) Out of Apocalypse

This machinima will be a Mass Effect and Fallout 3 hybrid. A Drama/Action Machinima.

The story is about when planet Earth was decimated by a huge asteroid, however conspiracy and some unanswerable questions point to an alien attack. On the planet, one determined male survivor searches for answers in the desolate ruins of Washington D.C.. In space, a brazen female commander, scowers the galaxy in search of proof and if it is found bring the attackers to justice.

What's unique about this, at least unique to Master Studios, is that this will be first machinima that features a starring female role which is rare in machinima.

However, these two will not premier at least until the first episode of New Blood is complete. Which, will be the first thing in production once internet is restored and I can refocus my actors.

Also, The If I Was a Gangsta Series will have a major rewrite. Basically, the rewrite will include the major gap of the story between Episode 2 and Episode 3. So this means, I'll be using the Original Saint's Row for Season 1, and Saint's Row 2 for Season 2 (with Episode 3 as the opening episode) and so on.

July 28, 2009

Up and running....again

Hello Master Studios Fans,

Just when it seems I can start making machinima again, something happens, and this last time, it was my xbox mic: It broke. But now, a couple of weeks later, I have a new one so I have everything I need to start machinimaking again, so keep your eyes out for some new stuff coming soon!

June 29, 2009

WE HIT 50!

Great News Master Studios Fans!

Today, we made history! We hit the 50-subs mark on youtube! This is our first step in getting recognized. Who is our fifthieth subscriber? Someone that goes by the name elcoletto117, and I have offered him one of my unused one-month subscription cards to thank him for this historic moment. Also, we'll throwing down an awesome MSU to celebrate with a surprise guest!

June 11, 2009

Snuffulafuges and Friends

Hey Master Studios Fans,

Some good news, our good friend Aidann, has been secretly making a series some of you may know as "Snuffalufugus and Friends" and he just uploaded the third episode to our Master Studios channel so go check it out:

Snuffulufuges and Friends, Episode 3

Also, Episode 3 of the Sentinel, which is part two of the Remastered Episode 2, "Escape to Paradise Valley" has been uploaded so go check that out as well:

The Sentinel Episode 3

June 7, 2009

The Sentinel Episode 2 Remastered

Hello Master Studios Fans,

Another piece of the Remastering Project has been completed. The Sentinel Episode 2, Escape to Paradise Valley, however, due to length constrictions, I had to split this into a two parter, so The Sentinel Episode 2 is part one and the next one (The Sentinel Episode 3) is part two. So without further ado, here is:

The Sentinel Episode 2

June 1, 2009

Almost there

Good News Master Studios Fans,

I have worked on 75% of the first episode of New Blood, and in a week or two I expect to complete it, edit it and then release it on youtube and I know it's been awhile, but I feel that with the release of New Blood, that Master Studios will get the resurgence and attention it needs to thrive and to continue on as a prominent machinima group.

After New Blood, work will be done for the Sentinel Episode 7, and Trapped aLIVE episode 2, then IIWG 4 and AUW 2 and from there on I'll finish out the first season of the Sentinel, then work from there.

May 10, 2009

Master Studios dusting off the cobwebs

Okay, Master Studios Fans:

I've been busy (school) or sick the last couple of weeks, which put a real damper on the whole "pumping out machinima like bush pumps oil" plan, rehearsal will start two weeks from today, and we'll begin working on New Blood and Sentinel first, and IIWG next and so on...

April 23, 2009


Hey Master Studios Fans!

You remember Heretant? The creator of MachinimaTV? Well, he's trying something different. He's come up with MachiniZine, an online magazine dedicated to machinima. Now unlike MachinimaTV, MachiniZine has some notable people helping out. Of course I have offered my services and at the moment I have a position as a machinima reviewer. The first deadline is Monday, and I'm already excited about it. This couldn't come at a better time, because right now Bra1nlessLobot0my and I are about to start making a machinima review series where we review popular machinima as well as little known machinimas. Of course, our first episode of this series would cover super-popular machinima such as Hard Justice, Pregame Lobby, Matchmaking and Phil, so we can hopefully score some points with and if we are lucky get featured. Now as I said the timing of this MachiniZine couldn't be more perfect. This will allow me to write the review before hand, and already have it done where I can use it for the video. Once the first issue is released I will post a link here and on the sidebar so you can easily access it.

April 21, 2009

Master Studios Update 5 and other news

Hey Master Studios Fans!

The first piece of NEW machinima I've made in....three months since I got my xbox back has been released, and it is Master Studios Update 5! Basically, it brings you up to date on what I and other Master Studios members have been working on, so check it out here:

Master Studios Update 5

Also, a couple of things that is not in the update.

One-- Brainless Lobotomy and I are doing a collaborative project where we review machinimas, and our premier episodes (the first two or three) we'll be reviewing machinimas from's director corp. Machinimas such as "Hard Justice", "Phil" and a few others.

Two-- We are a hair away from getting a house composer. Basically what that means is someone who will compose music for Master Studios and only Master Studios.

Three-- The Recruitment ad is nearly complete, I just need to add my lovely voice to it.

So be on the look out for that.

April 19, 2009

Changes and Progress

Alright Master Studios Fans,

Great news! I'm about halfway through the remastering project, So far I have remastered

The Sentinel Episode 1 Click Here
Trapped aLIVE Episode 1 Click Here

Now, it seems like only two, but it's a bit deceiving. The new Trapped aLIVE Episode 1 use to be Trapped aLIVE Episodes 1 & 2, so basically as far as TaL is concerned, all episodes have been remastered. Now, you may have also noticed that I am using "episode" instead of "megasode". While the latter is more interesting, it's got to go. So instead of two-part "megasodes" there are just going to be single episodes.

Looking forward, Master Studios Update 5 will be released tomorrow, which will have more detailed and entertaining information about what's going on. Also, simultaneous with the release of MSU 5 will be a recruitment ad for voice actors and such for Master Studios, which is a joint ad for Master Studios and Brainless Lobotomy. Also, The Sentinel Episode 7, Trapped aLIVE 2 (used to be 3), If I Was a Gangsta 4 and An Unknown World 2 will be released real soon along with the first episode of the new series: New Blood written by Lewis Hudson

I have this feeling that Master Studios is about to hit it big. I don't know exactly when, but I can feel that its going to be soon.

April 2, 2009

New Machinimas coming soon and other plans

Hello Master Studios Fans,

We have a couple of new machinima projects on the horizon. Lewis Hudson has sent me a script he wrote. It is a halo machinima that tells the story of a new arrival on Xbox live, the entire season has already been planned out, all we have do to is film it and voice it. However, this will probably be put on hold (outside of a teaser/trailer) until the first season of The Sentinel is finished, which has three megasodes left.

Speaking of the Sentinel, each megasode will probably be shorten since the end credits won't last as long. In fact after remastering I am hoping to reduce them to regular one part episodes instead of two part megasodes, even though I do like that word.

Anyway, back to talking about upcoming machinima. I'm hoping to get money to buy Fallout 3 for my xbox 360, and make a new action series. However, the Fallout 3 machinima won't begin production until this summer.

All of this will be reiterated in an upcoming MSU. Also, we will be alternating through machinimas that way things won't get overloaded, and plus following LH's cue, writing seasons in their entirety instead of one episode at a time, that way we can make the individual ones quicker, and thereby releasing them quicker. So this is how we are going to do it:

1.) Once the first season of The Sentinel is finished, the Sentinel series will be put on hiatus (meaning no new writing for it for a while).
2.) With the Sentinel out of the way, I will concentrate on LH's series and IIWG
3.) Seeing how IIWG (unless making LH's series is easier) season 1 will finish first, I will then fill that slot with Trapped aLIVE
4.) When LH's first season is done, then I'll switch that slot with AUW
5.) I expect AUW season 1 and TaL season 1 to finish at the same time, so

6.)then start The Sentinel Season 2, and IIWG season 2, and no other machinima will be worked on until these two are finished.
7.) LH's season two (if he writes one), AUW season 2
8.) TaL season two, and the Fallout 3 machinima season 1

Of course there will be MSU's thrown in in between each. However I already have IIWG episode 4, AUW episode 2, and TaL Episode 3 planned out, so hopefully, I'll be able to release that at the same time as the Sentinel Megasode 4. Again this stuff will be touched on in the upcoming MSU. Also, along with this MSU we will be doing (depending on if the rest of the MSU is too long) a machinima review on a few new machinimas, and some classics to be released either as one video or as a separate video from the MSU.

March 29, 2009

If I was a Gangsta: Episode 1 REMASTERED

Alright Master Studios Fans,

The first remastered work, If I Was a Gangsta episode 1, has been uploaded to youtube. As you may notice. NO MORE DISPLAYS!!! YAY!!! plus a previously deleted scene has been added in. So check it out!

If I was a Gangsta: Episode 1--Remastered!

March 3, 2009

Remastering Project

Hey there, Master Studios Fans:

In case you haven't heard or if you forgot, my xbox is dysfunctional right now, so I am unable to make any new machinima episodes or even kick noob ass, however, I thought of something I can do to make the time without my xbox go by quicker, and still benefit my machinima. What I am going to do is remaster all the old machinima I've done (pre-Vegas ones). By remaster I mean redo everything. My editing prowess is hundreds of times better then it was when I first began, so I will rework every episode using Vegas, and hopefully I can get the voices remade too as some of them were poor as well. In particular for the Sentinel I've been working on an intro sequence, and hopefully with the help of Craig Kesicke, I'll have a totally original score for the Sentinel series. As for Saint's Row, I've figured out how to get rid of those displays without having to cover them up, so that will be the main focus there however, I will do some minor re-editing and re-voicing there as well (by which I mean, get other people to help this time around). Trapped alive will just be retooled in Vegas, and An Unknown world will also get the same treatment as Saint's Row. The MSU's will remain untouched as there is no point in revamping old news. Okay, wish me luck, as it will probably take Craig Kesicke sometime to write a score, I'll be saving the Sentinel for last.

February 16, 2009

Master Studios TV Moved

Hey Master Studios Fans:

Want to watch MSTV in one place and what not? Want to read the blog, but the player makes the page take nigh-forever to load? Well, the problem has been solved, in a simple and elegent way. I have made another blog in the Master Studios Network to simply hold the MSTV player and the Videos on Demand without lagging down the main page, so yeah go off to our little dark corner and bask in the glow of MSTV! Where is it? Well here's the link:

Master Studios TV

I will also place a link on the sidebar so it won't get pushed down eventually.

February 10, 2009

Master Studios Tv! Yeah that's right! TV!

Hey Master Studios Fans:

Want to watch your favorite Master Studios shows in one place? Want to get the feel of them being in a streaming format and in sequence so they feel like real tv shows? Well, now you can with Master Studios TV! Using the same site that MachinimaTV uses for its streaming, Master Studios has created its own channel, and now you can sit back, relax and watch Master Studios stuff all day if you want. Now, this premier will feature the first episode of every Master Studios series, as well as episode 1 of Bra1nlessLobot0my's FUBAR. (except for Master Studios Update). Each week each series will be advanced one episode. If permission is given, we will also put works from our partners in as well.

February 7, 2009

Master Studios on HaloTube and Vimeo

Hey Master Studios Fans:

Master Studios has been on for a while, but I forgot to tell you guys about it. What made me remember? Well, our friends, Bra1nlessLobot0my mentioned their new account on the site, and I remembered that Master Studios has an account there. Now, I reactivated my account and currently, The Sentinel Megasodes 1-3 are on there, and I am currently uploading Trapped aLIVE 1 & 2 to the site. This could be the break Master Studios is looking for, because Bra1nlessLobot0my has been deemed friends of, which is a big deal for Bra1nlessLobot0my and they deserve it, however maybe since in most of BL's videos he flashes our logo, we might be able to get some publicity off of that, and maybe finally BL and MS can get the recognition it deserves from the larger Machinima community.

Here's the link to the Master Studios group on Halotube:

Master Studios

Also, Master Studios has just created an account on Vimeo, and currently no videos have been uploaded yet, so I will post a link to the vimeo account soon as I begin uploading videos to the account.

February 4, 2009

Bad News

Okay, the day after the MSU 4 release, my xbox decided to catch the rrod's (AGAIN!!), and I hopefully will be able to send it in and have it back as soon as possible. Now that puts a giant dent in my machinima because now I can't even finish the trailer, however to keep you entertained I have some old halo clips that I could make into a montage, and I could probably make another Vegeta & Piccolo episode. You know stuff I don't need my xbox for. Please be patient as I get it fixed.

February 2, 2009

Master Studios Update 4 Released

Good News Master Studios Fans,

Master Studios Update 4, the first machinima I made in months, is released. It was pretty long so I had to break it into two parts. Let me know what you think. Here are the links

Part One

Part Two

January 29, 2009

Master Studios Update Numero Fouro!

Alright Master Studios Fans,

I've finally got all the things I need for Master Studios Update 4, and once I magically put them all together I will post it on youtube this weekend, so be on the look out as MSU 4 is something you've never seen before! Just to remind you there is an interview with a popular youtube director so if you want to find out who I'm talking about and want to learn more about him, then you'll just have to watch MSU 4. Oh, my advertising schemes are just brilliant. Anyway, check it out it should be up by this weekend, and I'll add the link in once it is and send everyone that's on my XBL friends list a message to remind them of the awesomeness.

January 7, 2009

Expanding the Audience...Hopefully

Hello Master Studios Fans,

I have made a separate profile on MySpace for MasterStudios hopefully to expand our audience some since we lost a lot of viewers when Digitalph33r destroyed his forums, so hopefully some of these losses can be recuped. Also, I am working on the finishing touches of the fourth Master Studios Update, and hopefully we can get back on track with our projects. That's all for now. Currently, I haven't uploaded any of our works on the MySpace profile and it is practically bare since it was just created an hour ago, but tomorrow it should have some if not all of our works uploaded.